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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  January 15, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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in belgium? >> i'm sure. tomorrow morning the press conference new details will be coming up. we'll know more about what happened. >> we're going to learn a lot more. thanks very much for joining us. that's it for me. remember you can always follow me on twitter or follow the show. thanks for watching. erin burnett outfront starts right now. breaking news. police in belgium disrupt major terror attacks said to be imminent believed to be ordered by isis. we have the plot raids and connection to the paris attacks. inside the home of the man suspected of plotting to bomb the u.s. capitol. we're learning more about his past. his parents speak to outfront. the disappearance of a insurance executive. he's been missing for a week. we'll speak to his wife. let's go outfront.
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a major imminent attack disrupted. at this hour raids are going on in belgium. gunfire in different places across the country. raids are going on. there were many raids throughout the day today across belgium including one where police two killed suspected militants and arrested a third. gunfire explosions could be heard during this raid on the suspected terrorists cornered by police in a small town in eastern belgium. the nighttime assault targeting an operational cell. cnn has learned the belgium authorities believe the militants fought in syria where they received instructions from isis the go home and carry out attacks.
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courses selling cnn the investigation may have helped trigger the raids today in belgium. we understand the attacks, the planned attacks were not connected. european authorities have been on high alert for weeks amid indications that isis may have directed militants in their home country to launch terror attacks. one official describes this as a significant shift in isis strategy. phil black is outfront tonight in belgium in a town where you saw that video with those raids going on earlier today. phil this is unprecedented what we're seeing. paul is saying there's raids still going on. as i said unprecedented. >> yeah, >> reporter: a dramatic evening in belgium. it is quiet but a very significant police presence just up the road behind me. that's where around 5:40 p.m. this evening local time police launched this raid on a property
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there against suspects which returned fire. the result as you say, two dead. one injured taken into custody. they believe they have disrupted a major imminent terror attack. one authorities say they believe was targeting belgium police stations. heavily armed belgium policeunched an anti-terror raid. >> translator: the group was about to carry out major terrorist attacks in belgium imminently. >> reporter: cnn belgium affiliate reports the militants were jihadis. two were killed in the raid. a third arrested a eded at a nearby train station. >> the suspects fired using war weapons and hand weapons before being neutralized.
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>> reporter: an eyewitnessed described the scene. >> reporter: belgium officials called the group an operational cell of terrorists. recently returned from syria. cnn has learned group may have been instructed by isis to carry out attacks in retaliation. for u.s. led air strikes in syria. the raid almost 250 miles northeast of paris was one of many anti-terror operations across belgium including in brussels and said to have been in the planning before weeks and before the deadly attack at "charlie hebdo." at this hour no direct connection has been made between these actions and the paris attacks. it is an obvious and important line of inquiry. could it just be a coincidence that these potential attacks were set to go so soon after those events in paris. authorities here say at the
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moment no direct link but that does not rule out the possibility that the events in paris motivated or altered the timetable for what was perhaps set to happen here. that's something the authorities here are also looking at. >> very important point. they saw that and decided the seize the moment or go ahead with it. thank you very much phil black. debra is out front. she has much more on part of it. you're learning about what triggered the raids. belgium said the attacks were not coordinated but you have found out there could be a link. an armed dealer that could have sold weapons to terror suspects this both countries. >> reporter: the belgium authorities already had a group of known extremists on their radar for quite some time. according to the source the timing and the urgency of these raids was accelerated because of new information that was developed. there are two things that have
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occurred since the paris attacks not necessarily related to the paris attacks but one is a belgium arms dealer. the second two men returned from syria who arrived at the belgium airport over the weekend. the first, this arms dealer he is suspected of providing weapons that may have been used by the kosher market gunmen. this is man was arrested. he was questioned. his belongings were searched. there were matching names found within the arms dealers possessions and connected to other extremists on radar. that's the first thing. the second component involves two men who were taken into custody upon their arrival at the belgium airport. they were also just newly returned from syria. they were questioned. they were interrogated. some information developed during the course of that questions also accelerated these raids according to the source that i'm speaking with. you have to keep in mind the context in which all of this is
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happening. there's major islamic militant trial going on now. a verdict was supposed to be given this week against 46 men accused of recruiting young men to go fight jihad or fighting jihad in syria themselves. that verdict, the decision was delayed because of everything that was going on because of the paris attacks but also because of these raids as well. >> thank you very much. out front now former navy seal john mcguire and terrorism analyst. paul reporting those raids are still going on in belgium at this hour. obviously well into the early hours of morning in belgium. bob, i know you have some sources talking to you about what the target might have been of what we're hearing was a major imminent terror attack. >> this is preliminary. apparently american facilities in brussels were going to be
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targeted. that's what's been heard at the state department. i'm sure we get more confirmation on that by tomorrow. that's preliminary report. >> a preliminary report. american facilities in belgium. that would include perhaps things like the u.s. embassy. >> yes. the u.s. embassy. again, this is fast moving and could be very well wrong. we'll find out. >> what the targets might have been and how sophisticated the cell might have been. >> deep concern about the cell. a senior belgium official said they been in syria and with isis. the belgiums have developed intelligence suggesting that isis directed this plot. they wanted the people to go back to retaliate for the u.s. air strikes. it's not just the u.s. bombing
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isis. they may well have wanted to retaliate against belgium. european counter terrorism saying this is a game changer. they're seeing isis pivot toward launching attacks in the west for the first time. they are using considerable resources in iraq. the training camps and all that money for these purposes. >> to your point to make this point, a lot of people when they heard about isis linked attacks are hearing about a single person. a person who gets a hatchet. this is different. these are people who are trained, been in syria and coming back. with raids still going on now many hours after this began, it's not small. >> you're absolutely right. this is a network. some will be left out and be able to lawn mpunch attacks. that's why we're seeing unprecedented number of raids. we're hearing reports every minute about new developments,
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gunfire in different locations. very worrying for people in belgium. >> bob, to your point and again i'll emphasize for you, it's not been confirmed, but american facilities may have been targeted including the u.s. embassy. you keep hearing isis targeted and organized possible attack in bellgium are not that well put together but happening in other countries. this would appear to be a game changer if u.s. facilities were specifically targeted wouldn't it? >> it's at war with the west and particularly the united states. we're leading this coalition. we're killing muslims unjustifiably. they can't fight back in background so they're fighting back in europe. if this was not an attack wasn't going to been attack
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they will turn to american facilities in europe or to american tourists. i think it's almost inevitable. >> i'm told more than 500 extremists who are european back in europe from fighting in syria and iraq. that's a huge and unprecedented number. very difficult to monitor them all at once. huge challenges now for law enforcement officials. >> pretty frighten whag you said about a tourist. john the video we've been looking at on youtube showed part of the belgium raid. we hear it. the shouts and gunfire can be heard. authorities are saying the suspects immediately and for long minutes, i'm sorry authorities fired using weapons and hand weapons before being neutralized. what do you think about the raid and how it was executed. >> you have to comment the efforts of the belgium military and law enforcement.
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it's important that we have these folks being diligent and stop the attacks before they happened. that takes three things to do raid like that. you have to have the element of surprise. that means we're going to do this when they least expect it. you have to have violence overaction. the guys doing the raid have to be serious and prepared. you have to have team work. they rely on the training and experience and guys working together to be confident. ha they're doing is dangerous. the fact they killed two terrorists no officers were hurt and they actually captured a terrorist is good. that could lead to other threats. >> all right. thanks very much to all three of you as this breaking story continues. this is very much an ongoing story as paul reporting raids still going on in belgium at this hour. still trying to figure out what the targets might have been. the ohio man arrested for allegedly planning a terror attack on the u.s. capitol siting isis. he had 600 rounds of ammo. his parents are out front. a first look at the
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aftermath of the horrific terror attack that killed as many as 2,000 people. nic robertson is live in one of the most dangerous places in the world. it took 40 minutes to arrive at a subway incident. somebody died. she inspires you. no question about that. but your erectile dysfunction - that could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medicines, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach,
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the ohio man accused of plotting an isis inspired attack on the u.s. capitol is expected in court for a detention hearing tomorrow. he was arrested yesterday. the fbi says he told an undercover informants about his plans to bomb the capitol and open fire on people as they fled. he purchased the weapons. he had a history of anti-american sentiments. this is picture when he disrupted a 9/11 ceremony in 2013. you can briefly see him in another video highlighting there with a sign that reads 9/11 was an inside job. alexander field is out front in cincinnati ohio with more on what we're learning about his past. >> reporter: christopher cornell was a high school wrestling star. his parents had high hopes for a bright future. he didn't seem to find his path after high school.
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>> breaks my heart. he had so much potential. >> reporter: recently there was reason to be hopeful again. >> he became a happier person. >> his attitude changed. he became a lot happier. he said when he prayed he felt calm and at peace with god. >> reporter: regrew out his beard and adopted islam after reading it and his parents saw science his believes had really taken hold. >> he could come in at prayer time and say his prayers. >> reporter: the fbi says he was planning a deadly attack. on wednesday agents raided the home seizing a book he had written in and a computer. he said he wanted to commit violent jihad. investigators monitored the plot as it was taking shape.
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pipe bombs would be placed in the capitol and people would be shot as they fled the scene. >> i don't think chris ever wanted to hurt anyone. >> then why say it and walk into the gun shop? >> i believe he was forced. >> reporter: he was arrest wednesday after he bought 600 rounds of ammunition at the point-blank gun shop and range in cincinnati. >> we had the forewarning that he was going to come in and also they had greeced the skids so things would go smoothly as part of the sale. >> reporter: john sold him exactly what he asked for. >> i'm getting a lot of thumbs up today. >> how did he strike you? did he know what he was talking about? >> he struck me as someone who had done research but hasn't had a lot of hands on experience. >> reporter: he had never fired a gun according to his parents. he never talked to them about isis and showed no signs of
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anger or violence. he spent much of his time alone. >> did he have friends? >> he had friends up until about a year ago. i think when he grew his hair out and beard. >> reporter: on the day of his arrest he left note saying he was going to live with fraends who would get him some work. their son now behind bars but his parents believe he's come home one day. >> i feel that it wasn't him. it wasn't him. >> reporter: the owner of this gun shop says that chris walked in with a big wad of cash $20 bills, $50 bills. that's how he paid for the the assault rifles. his parents have a question about where he could have gotten that money. they want to know where he got the rest of the money and if somebody else provide it to him. he's still in the county jail. tomorrow he'll appear in court. >> a great report for ohio. so many questions on this story.
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>> you just heard alex reporting. i spoke to christopher's father high pressure he was adamant. he feels the fbi set up his son and the informants encouraged him and gave him the money. is that possible? is that the way an informants would act? >> of course the father is going to say this and if he is someone who will do something bad his dad and mother would not know about it. they are his best defense in some ways. i take what the parents say with grain of salt. on the other hand this is an instance where there was someone doing something that got lawn enforcement's attention. they may have aided him in getting to the point where they can make an arrest. nothing's illegal about that. that's totally appropriate. the one good news story about this is at a time when belgium and france and these concerted
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organized terrorist events are happying this looks to be yet another sort of sociopathic lone wolf instance. >> he said he was inspired by isis. >> when you think about the new world we're in since last wednesday, you have the organized concerted attacks in france and belgium and who knows where else and we're all going to have these lone wolves. there's always going to be people with access to weapons and get radicalized online. >> do you think, to that front there was a heightened urgency to go ahead with something like that in the u.s. to show look we're on top of this. >> law enforcement are under
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tremendous pressure rightfully so to thwart any attacks and pick up any leads or investigations they thought were nothing and now they might be thinking let's look back at that guy. that's clearly happening on the local, state and federal level. in this instance it's probably a combination of a little bit of a dance between the fbi and cornell in terms of who was pushing whom. that's what defense attorneys are for. that's what the trial is for. the guy did buy a lot of weapons with the intention of doing something with them. this is no mama's boy to quote his father or his mother. >> thank you. we're getting our first look at the aftermath at one of worst attacks by one of the worst terror groups in the world. this is satellite image of a town in northern nigeria. the red is basically vegetation homes, life.
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homes and trees highlighted in red. then the attack happened. as you can see the homes, the life gone. according to some witnesses maybe 2,000 people more slaughtered. nic robertson is out front. he's in northern nigeria tonight. nigeria has failed to succeed in the fight against boko haram. you are there now. can you tell us why? >> reporter: well what we're learning here is we talked to some of the soldiers in the nigerian army. it was the particular targeted by boko haram. they overran it. some of the soldiers were killed. some of them ran away. we're talking to soldiers here who are telling us they run off the battlefield. the reasons why they go into battle. they say with only small ak-47s
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with about 60 bullets. they have big anti-aircraft guns capable of shooting from three quarters of a mile with accuracy and deadly force. their hitting ak-47s are no match for that. they're being pushed off the battlefield. the moral is low. they have to pay for their own uniforms and sometimes they get injured they have to pay for their own medicine for their own treatment. they just don't have what it takes to hold boko haram back. >> the incredible tragedy. they have used at least three girls, children strapping them with explosives and a militant from afar detonating the girl and killinger. a source selltelling us that
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anti-terror raids are going on at this moment. it's been many many hours. this is a huge operation and in an incident on the d.c. subway a car filled with smoke left a person dead and 80 injured. there was no help for 40 minutes. what if that had been a terror attack. daughter: do you and mom still have money with that broker? dad: yeah, 20 something years now. thinking about what you want to do with your money? daughter: looking at options. what do you guys pay in fees? dad: i don't know exactly. daughter: if you're not happy do they have to pay you back? dad: it doesn't really work that way.
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following major breaking news. anti-terror raids are ongoing in belgium at this hour. the early hours of the morning. police targeting terrorists they say were on the brink of launching deadly attacks. they are using the words iminnocentim imminent and mayorjor to describe the attacks. what can you tell us. >> reporter: that's right. just up the road behind me erin, is a road that's still locked down by police. that's where they launched a raid at 5:40 lowcal time and they say suspects began shooting back. there was a fire fight.
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two of those suspects were killed. a third injured and is now in custody. what is clear from the comments coming from belgium authorities is they believe they had to act. it follows an investigation into a group they say includes people returned from fighting in syria. it does not rule out the possibility that perhaps some motivation that has flowed from those events in paris to the time frame that is taking place, that was taking place here.
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>> this indicates this was not something that was a couple of people. this was significant. this was coordinated. this was in multiple locations in belgium. >> reporter: yeah by all accounts. everything we're hearing talks about multiple location and significant planning. and some major fire power as well. weapons were found. a lot of fire powers used to try to repel the police raid as they moved on the property up the road just behind me. a significant operation. one that had clearly been in planning for some time and they had been monitoring. they were onto this group, onto some of these people returned from syria. some piece of information. they have received. we don't no what precisely just recently pointed to an imminent threat and that is why they have moved tonight. >> phil black, thank you very much reporting live from belgium tonight. outfront now frederick houseman
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the man who filmed the video of the raid that we have been showing you. he joins me now on the phone. thank you so much for being with us. i know it's so late in belgium. what did you see? >> i was in my house. i heard first two detonations. i go to the window. i can see policeman. a lot of policeman near in the street level and the fire with assault rifles inside the house. they put another grenade. a big explosion. smoke and something like that. they go inside the house. i suppose they do what they have to do. >> what did -- did you know? you're watching this happen. did you have any idea what was
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happening that these were counter terror police going on a raid or did you know? >> of course. it's a little bit intention. i directly think about what's happen in france and in many places in the world. >> how long did this last? >> how long did this last? between five and ten minutes. i don't know. something like that. >> all of that happened in five or ten minutes. you also said they had heavy weapons. they also had grenades you mentioned, the police. >> yes. everybody can hear it. everybody hear the sound.
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it wasn't just flash bomb or something like that. it was little. i don't know. >> all right. thank you very much. we appreciate your sharing that video with us so everyone can see what happened in verveirs today. it was something in their little town that everybody heard. he lived nearby and saw this happening. got his phone out and filmed the raid. when you hear what he had so say, heavily armed, thought it was more than flash bombs and you also hear now that paul is reporting these raids are still going on at this moment across belgium. this is not a small terror cell with a couple of guys. >> i think what we're seeing is something that helps to put the paris raids in perspective. we had worried about what we
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call the intelligence business bleed out for years. when you get these islamic insurgencies in place like iraq that recruit a lot of foreign fighters how many of them will go home? in the past it was small. the groups were small, the number of people were small. we're seeing a couple of things that are now unique. the numbers coming back a large. typically people like that go out to the battlefield like iraq. they participate in the fight and they die. the capabilities that they are bringing back with you just heard about in that interview are more extensive than you would see in the kind of terror plots i witness in the united states and fbi. >> they were trying to prevent a major, imminent terror attack. when you hear the word imminent what do you think that means? >> that has a meaning for a
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practictioner. when you look at a terror cell or a cluster of individuals involved this plotting you want to own the plot. you want to ensure there's no threat to public safety while you map out the nervous system of the plotter so you ensure you understand where's the money from? who recruited them? are they travel to? you do not want to leave information on the cutting room floor sor other elements of cell you didn't see can regenerate themselves. that's a security service saying we can't guarantee we own the plot anymore. that plotters for example, might be telling an informant we got all the weapons, we're about ready to go. >> we're about read to go and they say we knew they were planning but not knowing what they were planning to attack. there's reports we heard they were planning to attack police stations. you heard bob say and we're trying to figure out more and confirm this but sources at the state department told him they were targeting american facilities perhaps the u.s. embassy. we don't know that's the case.
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it is something that brings this into a very u.s. focused way which is something isis has tried to do which is be retaliatory for strikes in iraq and syria. >> i think there's also another lesson and if those targets are correct in american facility or police station, we've seen people talk about in al qaeda attacking police stations those are not soft targets. you don't have one off terror saying let me shoot up for example, some sort of fast food establishment. that's people coming home with some training saying maybe i have the capability to go against a higher level target that will have more resonance back home and across europe. >> my question to you is how many more? all of a sudden this happens in paris and there's two brothers. then there's another guy who sympathizes with them who attacks a grocery store. you got now nearly 20,000 police and troops policing france.
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belgium is having raids across belgium to try to stop terrorists. it makes peel feel very insecure that this is all of a sudden they we're seeing it everywhere when a week ago we weren't seeing it anywhere. >> you're going to come up with a number that's really concerning. you're talking about half the story. that's the number of people coming home from the battlefield who potentially we conspired. the leader and the group has to have the time and space to plan attack. isis has been around for a while. they own a lot of geographic space. with this number of recruits that gives them the time to plot attacks. that combination of the number of recruits and the fact they
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have the time and place to plot gives you a future that's going to be ugly. >> thank you very much. next terror in the u.s. washington subway riders were confuse and panicked when smoke filled a car. why did it take so long for first responders to arrive? what if it was a terror attack? divers are searching the fuselage of air asia flight 8501. officials believe the bodies of more than 100 people still missing will be there. but will get back to you just as soon as i possibly can. your call is important to me. join us for exclusive discovery at sea experiences. enjoy cruises from $499 during our 50th anniversary sale. call your travel consultant or 1-800-princess. princess cruises. come back new.
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an investigation is under way to learn more about a tragic situation in washington, d.c. a subway incident that left somebody dead and sent more than 80 to hospitals. it was a frightening scene. six passenger cabins filled up with smoke. there was nowhere to go. it took nearly 40 minutes for paramedics and firefighters to reach the people who were stuck in the trains. the emergency response raises serious questions about what would happen if somebody terrible happened in a major
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transit system in the united states. what if this had been a terror attack? tom foreman is out front. >> reporter: less than a mile from the capitol the afternoon commute is starting and smoke is pouring through a metro tunnel. >> first thing you thought was terrorists. everybody thought that. >> reporter: authorities say the smoke came from a faulty electric wire. as the smoke grows the response seems to lag. 3:14 the first warning of trouble comes and emergency teams respond but not to a train full of people trapped in a tunnel. 3:33 passengers call to say the train is filled with suffocating smoke. many say at various times they are told to stay put. >> there was no oxygen. people start panicking and people start hitting the floor. >> reporter: 3:45 a half hour in and choking passengers are still calling pleading for help while the rescue efforts seem
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confused and uncoordinated. sg we had no idea what was happening. >> reporter: many walk out over the tracks. dozen are sick or injured. one woman dies. faced with so many people trapped in darkness and heavy smoke and more than 80 needing to be sent to hospitals, d.c. homeland security and emergency management director says the response was solid. >> to pull out 200 people do an event where we go through mass casualties assess the folks and get 84 people transferred in the amount of time they did it that's a good response. >> reporter: still the incident raises serious question about readiness in cities and towns everywhere for something bigger especially something aimed at the transportation infrastructure. in 2009 for example, the so called underwear bomber was trying to blow up a plane over detroit. threats to bomb new york subways
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were discovered that same year and also in 2006 and 2004. all of which makes those who feel the system is work ask what incident may be coming next. >> what if we have one that's much larger and much more spread about the district what do you do? >> reporter: some witnesses say they had the sense police were not able to coordinate their radios together with fire and metro workers. there's questions about when the power was cut to the tracks and the train. even if the investigation finds all of that was managed as well as it could be the incident that sparked all of this was actually very small compared to all of those terror threats we just talked about a moment ago. it's a question that will be there when the investigation is done is if something that small can cause a problem this big, what might the future hold? erin. >> pretty scary. thanks very much tom. next divers down searching
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if fuselage after asia flight 8501. we're going to tell you, so far how that is going, what they're finding. plus two american climbers first to free climb the rock face talking today telling reporters about what's been called the most difficult climb ever made. fiber one streusel. so,as my personal financial psychic, i'm sure you know what this meeting is about. yes, a raise. i'm letting you go. i knew that. you see, this is my amerivest managed... balances. no. portfolio. and if doesn't perform well for two consecutive gold. quarters. quarters...yup. then amerivest gives me back their advisory... stocks. fees. fees. fees for those quarters. yeah. so, i'm confident i'm in good hands. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this.
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divers search at this hour to recover those who died on airasia flight 8501. a majority of the plane's fuselage found at the bottom of the java sea a major development. that's believed to be the final resting place for more than 100 people who remain unaccounted for. the a 320 was flying towards singapore when it crashed with 162 on board. former inspector of the u.s. transportation joins me out front. divers try to recover the bodies. that's the most important thing that they will do. how certain do you think at this time it is that those bodies are in that core part of the plane? obviously, they did find some bodies that were not but do you
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think the majority of them are there in the center part? >> i do and i think that the investigators think that too. the section of fuselage that they found was 26 meters. cabin is 27.5 meters. so they believe they have most of the cabin and other than the bodies that have been already recovered that were floating this would really contain the bulk of the cabin, the passenger cabin. and with the indication that they have the 174 hours of flight data recording parameter information and the full 2 hours of the cockpit voice recorder they think they have an awful lot of the data there. >> when you talk about the significant part of the body of the plane they have basically all of it right now. >> right. >> however, the cockpit, right, we haven't heard whether it's attached or what kind of condition it's in. obviously that's crucial to figuring out how this plane
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crash and how these people died. what do you think likely happened? >> i think probably what happened is the cockpit separated from the aircraft and a lot of crashes, that's what happened. cockpit separates from the fuselage or passenger cabin. we haven't heard about the cockpit or the engines. but because they have the full parameters of this it's literally thousands of pieces of data on the flight data recorder and 174 hours worth of data. they can go ahead and solve the mystery without the engines and certainly want the cockpit to recover the crew the captain and the copilot, but they can do that without the cockpit. they will have that information on the flight data recorders to be able to do that. >> and what are they going to be able to tell from the bodies which is so important to the families and to the flying public. what are they going to be able to tell when they find them about how they died what they may have been aware of how quickly they died?
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>> well lot is going to depend on the condition of the remains. now the early recovered bodies would have been able to tell the most. some had autopsies, some did not. from those, they'll be able to tell liker water in the lungs and if they survived the time the plane came in the water. with the remains it's very important to recover them for the families. that's their first priority. but it will be much more difficult to tell about the cause of death and the crash sequence from those remains. >> all right, mary skooe ya voe, thank you very much for joining us tonight. and next an uplifting story. two americans celebrating their successful climb on the sheer face of el capitan. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq.
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men and made history tweeting so proud for conquering. you remind us anything is possible. you'll see him on anderson next. >> good evening, thank you for joining us. we begin in breaking news with the fight against terrorism in europe in france for more than a week now but today erupted in gunfire in belgium. anti-terrorism operations are going on in belgian cities right now as we speak. the terror cell that belgian authorities say was on the verge of carrying out an attack. that raid left two people dead a third suspect injured and in custody. a belgian source said some members of this cell had met